The Growing Need for Postsecondary Degrees

Back when I was a student majoring in the determinedly non-vocational humanities, I thought of college as a place to sharpen my reasoning and writing skills, expand my knowledge of the world and have some fun along the way. Coming from a comfortable home headed by two college-educated professionals, I didn’t think much about higher education as a path to a livelihood.

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Deborah YaffeComment
New Relevance for an Old Tax Plan

At 139 square miles, Detroit is more than a thousand times bigger than the tiny north Jersey enclave of Free Acres, which straddles the line between Union and Somerset counties. But in an effort to rejuvenate his much-maligned city, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan has proposed a tax system with roots in the same intellectual soil that spawned Free Acres more than a century ago—the economic theories of Henry George, who died in 1897.

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Deborah YaffeComment
Dr. Sylvia Earle's 87th birthday wish

Acclaimed oceanographer and National Geographic “Explorer in Residence” Dr. Sylvia Earle turned 87 on August 30. I had a chance to speak with her 15 years ago, and will never forget her warm sincerity, humility, and intensity. Her fervent birthday wish, published yesterday by her 501c3 nonprofit organization, Mission Blue, is that we all "ignite public support for a global network of Marine Protected Areas."

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