Are You as Exhilarated as a 3rd Grader?
Top row: Jim Fleischmann, Susan Haig, Principal Dalia Mirrione, Scott Olson
Middle row: Ei, Michael, Ashley, Maxime
Front row: Saniya, Alexander, Ellie, Zack
You may think that dictionaries are 'old hat' to young tech-savvy students. But to Franklin School 3rd Graders, they're "magnificent," and "miraculous." Librarian Loreli Stochaj encourages her students to discover new words and put them into play - fearlessly. The phrases below are from thank-you notes to the Summit-New Providence Rotary Club, sponsors of the dictionary project.
"I have learned a zillion new words! I will try to use different words to make my writing more exciting." - Samantha
"Thank you for this wonderful dictionary. When I heard that I could keep it I was exhilarated."- Harshini
"I tingle all over when I'm looking for words." - Diogo
"Are you venerable? You should be. This dictionary is very urbane." - Sasha
"I love your book! It is a miraculous source of words and even more such as countries, continents, and even U.S. presidents...," - Nick
"I have learned so many new, odd, elusive, and awkward words." - Emilie
"I'm zealous to use the dictionary." - Keira